Monday, December 24, 2012

Obama: America’s Scrooge with pardon power

I was chatting with P.S. Ruckman, PardonPower blogger and the capo di tutti commuti, last week. Ruckman noted that if President Obama is going to issue Christmas pardons, he most likely would do so Friday night, or possibly on Christmas Eve. Or maybe there won’t be any Christmas pardons this year. Barack Obama has the worst clemency record of any modern president. And so far, there have been no post-election Christmas pardons.

In prepping for a recent column on the compelling reasons to commute the sentece of Clarence Aaron, despite the president’s dismal record of barely using his unfettered clemency power,  I watched this Dec. 10 conference at the Heritage Foundation on the subject.

It goes to competence. There’s clearly more applications that are deserving
and the fact that 40 percent haven’t even been decided in an adinistration  that takes pride on
making agencies competent and responsive to their function is to me indefensible.

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